課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3625022 | 微波通信 | Microwave Communication | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 由於無線通信相較於有線通信,具備有可容納更多頻道,遠距傳輸損耗較低且較不受地物影響之優勢,使得無線通信變成目前世界上發展最為快速之工程技術之一。如無線區域通信網路(WLAN);無線寬頻通信網路(WCDMA);移動無線通信(Mobile Com)等。其中微波通信,則為無線通信之實際核心技術,並決定無線通信系統許多參數及性能。其主要部分含有微波輻射場形,收發系統,波形調變架構等。因而本課程之目的在於配合現今及未來工程技術之發展,提供在無線通信系統領域中,重要微波通信工程之基礎概念,可為有興趣於無線通信工程之學生,建立有效且實際之系統工程概念及系統設計之基礎。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Due to advantages in accommodating larger capacity of individual information channels, less path loss for long didtance link communication has rapidly expanded throughout the world in recent year. Such as WLAN, WCDMA and Mobile communications etc. Therefore, the object of this course is to provide the crucial background knowledge for microwave link concept, architecture and processing. Major parts of this course will be emphasized on the region of system level rather than go into detailed component questions. Thus, it is perhaps more suitable for senior or graduate students. |