課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3615055 | Python物件導向實務應用 | Advanced Object Oriented Programming in Python | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 近年來許多關於人工智慧、網路應用、甚至於嵌入式系統等等的場域皆使用Python來做為開發之程式語言。有鑑於多數的Python開發者皆將Python作為一般的直譯式程式語言,卻沒有善用到Python物件導向之特性,因此本門課將主要以Python物件導向程式撰寫為出發,輔以要求學生開發各類型之應用來熟悉Python物件導向程式之特點,並且教導學生使用各類型之應用函式庫來讓學生更加熟悉Python之特性,期末亦會要求學生利用所學習到之技巧來開發網路前後端程式。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Recently, many artificial intelligence (AI), network, and embedded system application developers use Python programming language to implement their systems. However, many developers only take Python as a script language instead of using Python’s object oriented characteristics. This class will mainly start from programming Python by the object-oriented way. Students will be required to implement various kinds of assignments to learn the characteristics of Python objects. Besides, students can learn how to apply all kinds of Python application programming interfaces to understand the Python more. In the end of this class, students will be required to develop a network application containing a frond-end client and back-end server to show their achievements. |