課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3615043 | 高等計算機視覺 | Advanced Computer Vision | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程之目標在於提供修課學生計算機視覺之基本知識,並引導學員認識Android開發概念,以及計算機視覺程式之設計方法,其設計工具將是使用OpenCV及Eclipse開發工具為主。課程內容分別如下: (1) 影像與視訊的組成 (2) 低階視覺之影像處理 (3) 影像轉換 (4) 影像檢索及分類 (5) 影像輪廓與紋理解析 (6) 影像分割與聚類 (7) 運動分析與追蹤 (8) 相機模型與矯正 (9) 取樣模型及三維建構 (10) 圖形辨識概述與實作 (11) 電腦視覺技術為基礎之Android行動裝置設計 (12) 低階視覺影像處理之Android行動裝置設計 (13) 影像輪廓與紋理解析之Android行動裝置設計 (14) 影像特徵擷取之Android行動裝置設計 (15) Android裝置上之即時動態影像處理 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course includes fundamental and advanced topics in computer vision with a focus on image recognition, machine learning, and applied computer vision principles for Android devices. Advanced topics in computer vision including scene modeling, 3D reconstruction, motion analysis, object tracking, pattern recognition, and mobile computer vision, with embedded Android devices. These subjects could be taken in either order. (1) Image and video formation (2) Low-level visual processing (3) Image transforms (4) Image categorization (5) Contour and texture analysis (6) Segmentation and grouping (7) Motion analysis and visual tracking (8) Camera models and calibration (9) Scene modeling and 3D reconstruction (10) Pattern recognition (11) Mobile computer vision on Android devices (12) Low-level visual processing with Android (13) Contour and texture analysis with Android (14) Feature Detection with Android (15) Real-time computer vision on Android |