課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3605052 | 品牌領導公司整合型產品開發 | Branded Company's Integrated Product Development: Advantech IPD | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 課程藉由研華公司的實務經驗,來協助同學了解業界實際的產品開發流程與公司運作實務,課程內容將包括市場定位、市場分析、產品規劃、產品設計、專案進行、製造、行銷、銷售、客戶服務等。 本課程將提供同學對於產品開發過程與產品生命週期的全盤學習過程,同學亦可藉此了解一個跨國企業的實際運作情形。 授課內容並搭配實案例的分享與專案演練,來引導學生結合學術理論基礎及業界實務操作,以協助同學未來於職場工作無縫銜接。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This lecture will try to help students learn more about technology product development and actual enterprise operating processes through Advantech's vast industrial experience which includes market research & analysis, product planning & design, manufacturing, and customer services. From this lecture students will not only get a better understanding of how a global enterprise operates, but also gain a clearer idea of how a newly developed product is developed by looking at its product life cycle. Practical cases will also be shared so as to describe and compare the methodology with the real experience. Through a better understanding of a global enterprise's operation, it is hoped this knowledge will enlighten participants and speed up their progress in their future career path. |