課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3604121 | 人體生物學及生物物理學 | Biology and Biophysics of Human Body | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 在過去的60年裡,生物醫學工程學科發展已成為明確的,多樣化的,內容無所不包的領域;包括生物電現象、生物信息學、生物材料、生物力學、生物儀器、生物傳感器、生物信號處理等領域,以及生物技術、計算生物學和複雜多樣性、基因組學、醫學影像學、光學和雷射激光、輻射影像、組織工程等。 本課程主要將適用於工程學門學生,且已完成物理、化學或生物學基礎課程為佳。此基礎在大二或大三的學生應該已可做好充分的準備。本課程將學習人體解剖學、生理學、生物物理學和生物醫學工程。整合了一系列知識,以幫助修課同學瞭解生物訊息和醫學儀器,並可以用來監測這些生物醫學現象。課程的學習主要是將這些生物醫學現象,運用其基礎於電力、壓力和流量的物理現象加以說明,並將這些生物醫學現象經由電子及工程的特殊條件和應用系統而呈現。在這種學習中,課程涵蓋了相關醫學和生物學領域、化學、物理、工程的知識和方法,期使將其成功及適當應用於多種生物醫學儀器。本課程將主要研習人體結構(解剖)及其功能系統(生理學),但這些原則同樣也可能適用於其它所有生命系統。 經由醫學背景引導進入此領域,結合工程及材料師長的經驗及參與,將可含括主要生醫工程及組織工程領域的基礎 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Over the past sixty years, as the discipline of biomedical engineering has evolved, it has become clear that it is a diverse, seemingly all-encompassing field that includes such areas as bioelectric phenomena, bioinformatics, biomaterials, biomechanics, bioinstrumentation, biosensors, biosignal processing, biotechnology, computational biology and complexity, genomics, medical imaging, optics and lasers, radiation imaging, tissue engineering, moral and ethical issues. This course will be designed primarily for engineering students who have completed physical equations and a basic course in statics of chemistry and biology. Students in their sophomore year or junior year should be adequately prepared for this course. This course will be learning about human anatomy, biophysics, physiology, and biomedical engineering. It brings together a number of disciplines to help understand biomedical phenomena and the instrumentation that can be used to monitor these phenomena. It is primarily abo |