課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3404108 | 水土保持工程 | Soil and Water Conservation Engineering | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 綜合土木工程各相關基本課程,講解水土保持工程基本理念及說明水土保持工程個別處理單元,繼而從實際案例說明,提供學生單元處理與配套之選擇依據,希冀學生得以認識各工法之功能,瞭解水土保持工程之規劃設計。1. 水土保持概論土壤沖蝕與沖蝕量推估、農地水土保持、水土保持工程,小集水區洪水推估、野溪治理、坑溝整治、崩坍地調查與處理、土石流防治。2. 水保工程單元防砂壩、潛壩、丁壩、堤防、護岸、整流工程、土壩、擋土牆、棄土場、排水設施、沉砂池、滯洪壩。3. 個案研究,水土保持計畫研擬、滯洪設施。4. 專題討論. | |||
英文概述 English Description | 1.IntroductionSoil erosion and Soil loss predicting, Soil conservation of farmland, Conservation Structures, Small Watershed Flood Prediction, Stream control works, Gully reconstruction, Landslides investigation and treatment, Forestland Management, Terraces and Diversions, Terrace Outlets and waterway and Gully Structures Debris flow Hazards Mitigation.2. Soil and water conservation of engineering unitSABO dam,Low dam,Dike, Spur dike, Levee, Bank revetment, Channel works, Earth dam, Retaining wall, Drain facility, Retention dam, etc. 3. Case study, Proposal writing4. Seminar |