課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3302010 | 工程數學 | Engineering Mathematics | 6.0 | 6 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程主要目標在介紹與實際問題相關之數學領域,以模擬解題及詮釋等方式,將數學方法應用在工程問題上。課程內容有常微分方程,線性代數,向量微積分,Fourier 分析及偏微分方程式等章節,訓練同學在理論,計算及實驗間建立正確的認知及意義。內容將繼續介紹複數分析及數值方法等章節,尤其對計算機的概念及演算法乃給予較多的強調,對實際問題亦有簡化討論。另外,在應用解決問題構想,練習例題及理論間,更有相輔相成的效果。至於線性規化,圖形組合,機率理論及數學機率等內容亦有概略介紹,務使同學有正確的認知。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The course*s main taget is to introduce math region which is relating to practical questions with simulate solution and interpretation, it applies the math method to engineering questions. The course content includes ordinary differential equation, linear algebra, vector calculus, Fourier analysis and partial differencial equation partial differential equation, with the aim to train students in establishing an exact perception to the meaning of theory, calculation and experimentation. it also introduces complex number analysis and numeric method, especially put more emphasis at the computer concept and algorithm, a simplified discussion to the practical problem as well. Besides, it has a mutual supporting effect in solving question concepts, practising model question and theory. As to the linear programming, graphs and combinatorial optimization, probability theory and mathmetical probability, this course also has a brief introduction, its target is to let all the students |