課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3105192 | 離岸風電之電力電子技術 | Power Electronic Technologies for Offshore Wind Farms | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 有鑒於台灣政府近年大力推行離岸風電政策與技術,培育離岸風電相關專業人才為當前首要目標。本課程之主旨為離岸風電之電力電子技術。風力發電之電能轉換,首先透過葉片旋轉帶動發電機產生交流電,然而,此交流電之頻率會因風速以及發電機之轉速而異,因此,需透過電力電子技術,將此變頻之交流電,藉由一交流-直流轉換器,轉換為直流電形式,再透過一與電網連結之直流-交流變頻器,方能將風力發電之電能饋入電力系統中。本課程之大綱可分為: (1)課程介紹、(2)電力轉換裝置與儲能系統之概述、(3)直流-直流轉換技術與裝置、(4)交流-直流轉換技術與裝置、(5)儲能系統之規格與技術、(6)直流-交流變頻器之概述、(7)變頻器之電路架構、(8)變頻器之控制技術、(9)變頻器之數位訊號處理、(10)變頻器之功率元件介紹、(11)直流鏈電壓調控策略與(12)變頻器併網之低電壓穿越技術。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The main purpose of this course is providing knowledge of power electronics technologies for offshore wind farms. Main topics of this course will be: (1) Introduction of this course, (2) Introduction of power conversion devices and energy storage systems, (3) Dc-dc power conversion technologies and devices, (4) Ac-dc power conversion technologies and devices, (5) Specifications and technologies of the energy storage system, (6) Introduction of the dc-ac inverter, (7) Circuit topologies of the dc-ac inverter, (8) Control strategies of the dc-ac inverter, (9) Digital signal processing of the dc-ac inverter, (10) Power devices of the dc-ac inverter, (11) Dc-link voltage control strategies and (12) Grid-connected low-voltage ride-through technologies of the dc-ac inverter. |