課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3105117 | 科技產業電力事故診斷與防治 | Power Faults Diagnosis and Remedy for the High-Tech Industri | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 科技產業對電力供應的安全性,可靠性及電源品質的要求都極為嚴格,往往因一點點小事故引起巨大的災害而造成慘重的損失,電力事故已成為科技產業的重大風險之一,例如半導體工業,如何防範電力事故的發生及降低其風險機率是非常重要的課題,這些都有賴於良好的事故診斷技術及防治方法.本課程針對科技產業的供電電系統及設備常發生的事故及其原因進行診斷並提出改善方法, 範圍涵蓋科學園區主要的供電系統(特高壓地下環路供電系統)之線路及設備,以及科技廠家用戶內部供電系統及設備,內容包括常見事故型態介紹,事故原因理論分析及案例解說,以及事故的防治方法與可行措施.本課程旨在培育研究生建立電力事診斷的理論基楚,瞭解實務問題的面相,進而啟發思索改善對策,增進未來投入科技產業工作的能力,本課程的設計以研究所一學期為原則 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course is aimed to the power faults usually occurred in the high-tech industries, where the root causes of faults are diagnosed and the improved measures are proposed. The scope includes the power distribution systems and apparatuses of the utility and the customer plants in the science-based industrial parks, in which the fault types are described and the root causes of faults will be diagnosed based on theoretical analysis and practical cases investigations. Furthermore, the remedy methods and their related feasible measures will be discussed. The main contents of this course are: (1) Hidden risks and fault types descriptions (2) Harmonics problems on the very high voltage (VHV) underground distribution system with loop structure, (3) Protection coordination problems on the VHV underground distribution system with loop structure, (4) Hazards due to ground fault transfer problems on the VHV underground distribution system with loop structure, (5) Damages due to sur |