課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3004046 | 原動力廠 | Power Plant | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 先修課程:3002014或負責教授同意。基本熱傳理論、郎肯循環:蒸汽發生設備、渦輪機、冷凝器、泵及風扇、氣輪機及複合循環;核能原理、PWR、BWR、GCR、LMFBR;再生能源:地熱、太陽能、風力、海洋能源;能源之儲存;環境污染之防治。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Principles of Heat Transfer, Rankine Cycle: Steam Generators, Turbines Condensers, Pumps and Fans, Gas-Turbine and Combined Cycles, Principles of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power Plants: PWR, BWR, GCR, LMFBR, Renewable Energy Resources: Geothermal Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Energy from the Oceans, Energy Storage, Environmental Aspects of Power Generation. |