課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3003129 | 智能工廠專題實務(二) | Special subjects for intelligent factory (II) | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程設計的是鏈結AOI與雷射加工產業,與智能廠接軌共同來解決產業實際應產業之問題與需求。設計課程分成三階段,分別為課程講授、業師實作討論、業師實務專題,三階段前後銜接,循序漸進課程讓學全接觸AOI與雷射加工技術。第一部分課程講授主要為基礎之理論傳授,訂立實驗目標、計畫實驗過程、課後評量,予以教學反饋;第二部分實作與討論,採讓學進雷射相關的實驗設計與操作,融會貫通所學理論,培育其實作技能,藉由組與業師討論,練習規劃實驗,實驗安排由簡入深,從認識機台種類系統之光路架設、最終參數的調整等,並藉由組討論記錄表,予以教學回饋;第三部分為企業命題之實務專題,請業師提供產業實務問題,並由產業負責專題內容,讓學了解前業界發展向、業界現況與製程瓶頸等,將理論課程更實務鏈結到雷射應,期末進實務成果發表展與評選,培育其解決實務問題之能。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The first part of the course, classroom instruction, primarily focuses on imparting foundational theory, setting experimental objectives, planning the experimental process, conducting post-assessments, and providing instructional feedback. The second part involves hands-on practical work and discussions. Students engage in experimental design and operations related to laser technology, integrating the theoretical knowledge acquired earlier. Through group discussions with industry experts, they learn to plan experiments, starting with understanding different types of machinery, optical path configurations, and parameter adjustments. Discussion records are used to provide instructional feedback. The third part consists of practical projects based on industry propositions. Industry experts present real-world industry problems, and students work on projects related to these topics. This segment allows students to gain insights into industry trends, current industry conditions, and manufact |