課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
2A00002 | 英文 | English | 24.0 | 24 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 此專科英文課程共四年:專一、專二、專三、專四。其課程目標為培養學生獨立閱讀、進階寫作與口語溝通能力,並培育學生逐漸成為獨立的語言學習者。教學採符合溝通互動取向與全語言哲學的教學法,並依學生特點和課堂文化做適當教學調整與輔助。學生經由大量閱讀具知識性、趣味性、適合其程度的作品,經由經常參與角色扮演、分組討論、口頭報告與短文寫作等學習活動,逐漸提昇語言溝通能力與善用學習策略來解決問題的能力。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This junior-college English program consists of four-year English courses, with the purposes to develop fluency in reading and writing, and to improve listening and speaking abilities. The communicative approach and the whole language philosophy are thus adopted to implement the curriculum. In these courses, students have plenty of opportunities to take part in role-plays, oral presentations, pair work, small-group discussions and whole-class discussions for communicative purposes; they have good opportunities to express their feelings and thoughts in their essays and journal entries. A variety of reading, writing, and oral communication tasks are provided with a view to developing students' reading, writing, and oral communication skills, and to facilitating their using appropriate, effective learning strategies to accomplish learning tasks. In a word, the purpose of this curriculum is to motivate students to learn English, and to help them gradually become confident and competent use |