課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
1415017 | 職場倫理 | Workplace Ethics | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 所有人際圈都有倫理問題。家庭有家庭倫理,學校有學習倫理,在職場中則存在著職場倫理關係,有待個人學習理解、奉行。職場倫理是人與工作(生產)組織之間的關係,也可以?就是在職場中的人際關係,其牽涉幾個層面,包括正確的工作態度、正確的價值觀念以及正確的人際關係。 職場倫理牽涉到職場中個體或群體對於人際互動判定對錯是非的?為觀?,若不具備或不健全的職場倫理觀念將會導致職場人際圈秩序混亂或被破壞,引來觸犯法律規定底限之懲處不利後果。因此,企業懲戒法律案例形同職場倫理負面教材,可藉之推演人際互動規則、體會個案經驗,來思考合宜的人際往來互動的拿捏取捨。 職場倫理議題牽涉禮貌、法律與溝通技巧等多元問題面向。本課程除從理論面演繹職場倫理內涵,亦採企業懲戒個案探討方式,來協助學生習得適應融入職場生活所需之人際相處知識。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | All kinds of relationship involve ethic issue. Ethic of workplace is the relationship between individuals and organizations, meaning a social relationship of workplace. It involves several aspects, including correct work attitudes, values, and personal relationships. Workplace ethic involves ideas individuals and groups hold in workplace to judge right or wrong about behavior. Without correct or sound ethic in workplace may result in chaos or destruction of order among social networks, or offend the legal baseline. Thus, enterprise punishment cases equal negative examples for workplace ethic. Workplace ethic involves topics of manners, laws and communication skills. This course provides not only theoretical perspective to reason nature of workplace ethic, but also raises cases of enterprise punishment for discussions to help students learn knowledge of interactions in workplace to adapt career life. |