課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
1415001 | 經濟學概論 | Introduction to Economics | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 經濟學重視邏輯與嚴謹推理的理性特質是其主要特色,此亦為理工科系人之專長優勢,然而僅偏重左腦訓練的人才往往讓人覺得生冷機械,對事物看法也常過於直接而缺乏人情,若能在不失理性效率之下,兼顧以人為本之社會人文感性關懷,則經濟學自無愧為社會科學之母,其訓練目標亦與通識教育的人格均衡發展目的一致! 為避免陷入一般經濟教學因理論工具比重過高而失焦,導致學生學習興趣驟減以致成效不彰,本課程重點在於先讓學生擁有強烈之學習動機,接著認知到"確立學習目的"的重要性,藉由生活實例直接帶領學生面對並感受問題,從而引導出經濟學切入問題的思維方式,並傳授其正確可行的學習態度與方法,同時提醒學生維持對專業知識批判的精神,在嚴謹訓練架構下督促其尋求感性的意涵,因而不致陷入經濟工具與名詞的浩瀚泥沼中,從而漸進體會出經濟學之精髓。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The science of economics is characterized by logics and cautious reasoning-at which most of the students of natural science and technology are good at. It is also a fact that those who take better advantage of the right brain are very likely to be straightforward and thus seemingly more mechanical and unsympathetic. Economics can be seen as the mother of science under the condition that rational efficiency-as well as the socially humanity--are kept at the same time. As a matter of act, the economic trainings share the same goal as what is required by the General Education courses. The first priority of the course is to highly motivate the students in the economic issues. We do our best to avoid too much weight generally put into teaching economics, leading to poor learning and teaching experience. Cases are studied in such a way that students will recognize the "real purpose of studying." Real cases and examples are brought into discussion. We guide the students to"feel"the problems. |