課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
1413005 | 社會哲學 | Social Philosophy | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 唸社會哲學的主要原因在於,在社會的架構之內,從哲學的角度去探索一系列很根本的問題。它們包括﹕正義、公平、人權、自由、公民意識、市場與道德、科技與道德的關係等等。我們的探索是以哲學知識做為基礎,例如: 功利主義、康德的道德哲學、羅爾斯的正義理論,還有內格爾、多爾肯、與沈對公平理念的討論等等。由於這些問題與我們的福祉休戚相關,身為一個受過良好教育的社會公民,我們便需要具有社會哲學的知識。準此,我們可以了解社會是如何運作的,並且能夠對一些和我們個人利益乃至公共福祉相關的社會性議題進行反省,從而對它們做出正確的抉擇。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The main reason for studying Social Philosophy is that within the context of society, a number of fundamental questions can be answered from a philosophical perspective. These include: justice, equality, human rights, freedom, citizen consciousness, market and morality, and the relationship between technology and morality, etc. Furthermore, our investigation is based upon philosophical knowledge such as Utilitarianism, Kantian moral philosophy, John Rawls’ theory of justice, the debate of the idea of equality among Thomas Nagel, Ronald Dworkin, and Amartya Sen, etc. Given these issues are directly relevant to our well-being and benefits, to be informed social citizens, we need to have knowledge of this subject. Thus, we can know how the human society works, and being able to reflect upon these social issues that concern our personal interests and public welfare in an attempt of making good decisions for them. |