課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
1412021 | 臺灣近現代戰爭史 | Modern Taiwanese Warfare | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 近代以降,由於戰爭的影響,臺灣歷經不同的政權和政體,諸如大清帝國、日本帝國及中華民國等。國際局勢、殖民統治、捍衛國土等緣由引發各式各樣的戰爭,戰爭促進臺灣的政治、社會、經濟、文化等層面的變革。因此以戰爭為主軸,認知臺灣在世界地緣位置的重要性,及其引起的各種戰爭類型,呈現戰爭在近現代臺灣各時期的各種風貌。臺灣是個位於西太平洋海陸交接地區的島嶼,在世界局勢變動的潮流之中,塑造其特有的戰爭型式及內涵。再者,臺灣各地有諸多戰爭遺址,不乏國定古蹟,可以藉由戰爭史的脈絡得知戰爭遺址的歷史空間及其文化資產的重要性。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Since modern times, due to the influence of wars, Taiwan has experienced different regimes and political systems, such as the Qing Empire, the Japanese Empire, and the Republic of China. The international situation, colonial rule, and defense of the country have triggered various wars. Wars have promoted changes in Taiwan’s politics, society, economy, and culture. Therefore, taking war as the main core, understanding the importance of Taiwan's geopolitics in the world, and the types of wars it caused, presents the various features of wars. Taiwan is an island located in the land-sea junction of the Western Pacific Ocean. In the changing tide of the world situation, Taiwan has shaped its unique war style and connotation. Furthermore, there are many military relics throughout Taiwan, and there are many national historical sites. Students can learn about the historical space of military relics and the importance of their cultural assets through the context of war history. |