課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
1410216 | 批判性思考 | Critical Thinking | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 人生是一連串的選擇﹐並且為這些選擇承擔伴隨而來的結果。這些選擇容或有大小之分﹐或輕重程度之不同﹐但是我們都希望在經過理性的思考之後﹐我們能夠做出正確的選擇﹐迴避掉不好的或錯誤的決定。要達到這個目的﹐很重要的一點便是﹐我們有能力正確地檢視和判斷支援這些選擇的理由﹐看看這些理由是否足以有效地支援這些選擇。學習〝批判性思考〞主要的目的便是幫助我們培養上述這種能力﹐使我們能較好地規劃我們的人生。本課程包括:基本的邏輯推論規則、謬誤理論、真值表、與介於自然與形式語言之間的翻譯等等。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Life is constituted of a series of choices and the consequences that follow wherefrom. Although these choices may be different in their magnitude, we all hope to make right choices and avoid bad ones based on our rational thinking. To achieve this goal, we need to be capable of evaluating and judging the reasons behind our choices correctly so as to see whether those reasons can support those choices effectively. The main purpose of studying"Critical Thinking" is to help us obtain this kind of ability, so that we will be able to arrange our life. This course covers at least the following topics: basic logical rules, the fallacy theory, the truth table, and the translation between natural and formal language, etc |