課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
1410199 | 科技與數學 | Technology and Mathematics | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 科技之母在基礎科學,而基礎科學-數學、物理、化學,又以數學為首,因此亦云:數學是科學之母,由此可見數學在整個科技發展的演進過程當中,一直扮演舉足輕重的角色。本課程將從淺談數學與科技的發展史,及數學與科技彼此間的相互背景開始,進而深入探討數學在科技發展過程中的份量與地位,並分析討論數學與科技彼此間的互為因果關係。再者,大家都知道的一個事實是:國民的平均"數學素養"高的國家,其"科技水平"亦必定具相當的水準;所謂的"數學素養"與"科技水平"它們所代表的內含為何?是相當值得深思、探討並自我反省的。最後,在知識爆發的今天,預期數學對未來科技發展的影響。更重要的是:身為科技人,該如何自我期許? | |||
英文概述 English Description | Modern technology lies heavily in many fields of fundamental science, which consists of mathematics, physics and chemistry. Mathematics, furthermore, is believed to head fundamental science and therefore is generally considered to be the mother of science. It is a fact that mathematics has all the time played the most significant part in the development of science. This course will discuss the history and background of mathematics and science. A deeper topic on the status and importance mathematics has occupied in the process of scientific world will be covered in the class discussion, which will definitely bring about the cause and effect as far as mathematics and science are concerned. |