課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
1410054 | 當代社會問題探討 | Study of Contemporary Social Problems | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 教學目標:針對當前社會中之政治、經濟、社會、文化等各層面所形成之重大問題與現象加以探討,予以概略整合性之介紹,以使學生對社會現況更加瞭解並進而關懷所生活之環境。開課基礎:以原開設之社會科學概論為基礎,而向實務面擴充之課程。教學內容:採單元教學、口授、作業、探討意見交換並行方式進行。1.真正的民意-政治生態與國會。2.尖銳的對立-政黨競爭。3.台灣經驗-經濟奇蹟。4.高齡化的社會-銀髮族與人生。5.應關懷的族群-社福。6.立國的基礎-教育改革。7.慾望街車-犯罪與司法。8.和平發展之關鍵-兩岸關係。9.其他。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Teaching goal: Analyze the significant problems and phenomena concerning politics, economy, society and culture, and give a brief account of such phenomena with a view to facilitating students' understanding of the status quo and encouraging students to devote care to their living environment. Pre-course requirement: A basic grasp of "the Introduction of Social Science" is required for more advanced and expanded discussions in this course are based on it. Teaching activities: Lecturing, assignments, and discussions. Teaching units: Political patterns and parliament, Competition of Parties, Taiwan Economical Miracle, Elders and Their Life, Welfare for Minorities, Education Reformation, Crime and Justice, Cross-affair Relations, Others. |