課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
1410046 | 健康與人生 | Health and Life | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程的目標在培養學生具備有關健康的知識,以度過健康的一生。為達成此目標,本課程提供學生四方面內容。一、健康與人生概述,包括人生的意義,健康的境界,認識自己的身體;二、生理健康之道,包括健康的飲食門道,體重控制與運動處方,學習終身修練的功夫,用葯知識;三、心理健康之道,包括健康的人格發展,情緒管理,健康的人際關係,健康的性,健康的家庭生活,健康地面對老化與死亡;四、健康的生活環境,包括物理、化學與生物的環境,健康的職場生活,健康的休閒生活等。本課程除講授法外,並用影片、討論、個別習作等方式教學。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This subject is to cultivate the students to be full of health knowlodge and to lead them have healthy and happy lives, For getting this object this course offers the students with four arear of knowledge. First, the introduction:including meaning of life, significacne of health, know oneself's body. Second, the ways for getting physical health including food and types of nutrients, determining desirable weight, principles of exercise programs, learning a life-long Kun fu, medical use of drugs. Third, the ways for getting mental health:including good development of personality, management of emotion, good interpersoal relationship, healthful sexuality, happy family life, coming to terms with aging and death. Fourth, healthful environment:including physical, chemical and biological environment, professional, socia and leisured lives of suitability. For most effective learning, the metho of video, discuss and indivdual practice teaching are as well used as the lecture. |