課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
1102005 | 軍訓(四) | Military training(IV) | 0.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 大二下學期為軍訓(四)兩學分選修,在下列三單元中選擇兩者,概述如下:中外戰史--選擇近代中外著名戰爭,剖析其發生原因、作戰經過、成敗得失之關鍵因素,以及其對國家民族前途之影響,使學生從認識戰爭中吸取歷史經驗與教訓,進而體認戰爭勝敗對國家民族存亡發展息息相關,激發愛國情操。軍略地理--使學生透過地略知識,了解國防地理因素與國家戰略之關係,並體認國防軍事建設之建軍備戰作為。護理與健康--概述同大一女生部份。模糊對局理論與兵棋推演--該理論在協助指揮官在作戰判斷時能更具體化分析敵我狀況,以利草擬作戰計劃及下達決心。心戰謀略--藉由研究波斯灣戰爭中的心戰措施,以了解平時或戰時的心戰與宣傳技巧。新世代領導--介紹當代頗具聲望的領導人,以期學者能效法他們的風範及應用其經驗與技巧於日常生活中。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Military Training includes three courses at the second semester of second year. They are The History of Wars, The Military Strategy of Geography, Nursing and Health. Sophomores can choice any two of them. The History of Wars analyzes details of war and what it can bring to nation and her people. The Military Strategy of Geography tells the importance of geography in war and how the geography influences the making of strategy. Nursing and Health is a course of teaching you how to take cares your own body and mind. The theory is to help commander precisely analyze the battlefield situation and then draft war plan and make decision. Sychological warfare strategy-By researching the sychological warfare during gulf war. We can make clear conception about sychological war and propaganda skill during war or peacetime. X,Y,Z generation leadership introduce contemplate celebrities who have good reputation on leadership in the hope that learner can emulate their leadership. |