課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
0134001 | 國父思想 | The Thoughts of Dr. Sun Yat-sen | 4.0 | 4 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 國父之學術思想貫通古今,學融中外,融貫中外學術於一爐,「國父思想」乃彙集古今學術之大成。本課程以國父遺教及學術思潮為經,以國家發展需要為緯,致力於倫理、政治、經濟、社會、哲學等相關人文及社會科學知識之闡揚,俾以提昇學生對民族、國家之認同、文化之涵養,並進而增進其國際視野、宏觀之人生見識,以培養國家民族未來之棟才。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | 英文概述 The scholarly ideas available in the Thoughts of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen refer to the basic nature in the various periods--ancient and modern, domestic and foreign. The Thoughts of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen is the best collections of the related elements. The course discusses the principles left by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, his scholarly thoughts being covered, and the requirements of national development as well. The students will review the topics of humanity: ethics, politics, economics, society and philosophy of life to broaden their vistas in social science in the hope that they will add on better recognition of the people around and the country they belong to and advance cultural disposition. With the international views widely improved and life meaning magnificently extended, they will be more likely to become the future of the country. |