課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3521006 | 基礎光學 | Fundamentals of Optics | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程主要使同學明瞭光學的基本原理,以應用於紡織及光電工業上。主要內容包括七大部份:(一)光學基本原理,反射及折射,福曼(fermat)原理及應用。(二)電磁波,傳播原理,干涉現象原理。(三)干涉現象,電磁波能量,波形之三角函數描述,干涉現象的數學處理。(四)繞射現象,繞射柵的分析度,繞射原理。(五)折射率原理,分散,吸收,材料引起的電磁場。(六)極化,光線電場分佈,散射光的極化,雙折射率,極化,反射光強度,不尋常的折射。(七)線性及非線性光學的應用,霍氏光學,幾何光學。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course is conscerned with fundamentals of optics, and the application of optics in optoelectronics and textile industry. The major contents are described as following: (1)fundamentals of light, reflection and refraction,Fermat's principles, (2)electromagnetic wave, radiation, interference, (3)Interference,energy of radiation, sinsusoidal wave, (4)Diffraction,diffraction grating, resolving power of grating, (5)Refraction index, dispersion, absorption,light scattering, (6)polarization,the electric vector of light,polarization of scattered light,birefringence,anomalous refraction, (7)linear and nonlinear optics,Fourier optics,geometric optics. |