Course Timetable for Spring Semester Year 2025

RequiredDept. Common Required Credits
RequiredUniversity Common Required Credits
ElectiveCommon Elective Credits
RequiredDept. Major Required Credits
RequiredUniversity Major Required Credits
ElectiveMajor Elective Credits

GAT [自動化所]

Master Program Graduate Institute of Automation Technology 1

InstructorSun.Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.ClassroomStudent No.WithdrawLanguageSyllabusRemarksPracticeDesignated for
342837 Thesis 3.03            0 0          
342838 Seminar 1.02 Shih-Wen Chen
   3 4    CB_2A
30 0   Query
342033 Building Deep Learning Applications 3.03 Kuan-Ting Lai
  5 6 7     PIB_503
35 0 English Query
Course jointly offered with Electronic Engineering Dept.   Semiconductor Technology Program
Artificial Intelligence Technology Program
Optoelectronic Smart Manufacturing Program
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning micro courses
342841 Artificial intelligent and machine learning 3.03 Shih-Wen Chen
   6 7 8      29 0 English Query
自動化所.機電博含外生班.半導體碩班合開   Semiconductor Technology Program
Biomedical Assistive Technology of Cross-Discipline Micro Courses
Micro program of semiconductor equipment
345676 Simulation Methods for Nonlinear Systems 3.03 Shih-Yu Li
     6 7 8  CB_110_2
12 0 English Query
342858 Computerized Motion Control 3.03 CHIN-SHENG CHEN
    6 7 8     10 0   Query
342868 Introduction to Optimization 3.03 Nien-Tsu Hu
  5 6 7     3TB_206
10 0 English Query
345099 Optimal Control 3.03 Nien-Tsu Hu
 2 3 4        10 0   Query
342870 Experiments and Design for Automatic Systems 3.03 Chih-Jer Lin
  2 3 4     GSB_411
16 0   Query
計中電腦教室   Micro program of semiconductor equipment
342872 Technical English Writing 3.03 CHEN WEN-HUI
     6 7 8    0 0   Query
345101 Data Analysis and Processing 3.03 CHEN WEN-HUI
     2 3 4    13 0   Query
342874 Deep Learning 3.03 Yu-Hsiu Lin
 5 6 7      GSB_411
7 0   Query
345103 Simulations and Applications of Optical Elements 3.03 Shih-Wen Chen
     5 6 7    13 0   Query

*represents the courses which are not applicable for online courses for students unable to return to school and/or attend classes. Please inquire from the unit of curriculum if having questions about the course.

Buildings :
CodeBuilding Name
3TB 3rd Teaching Building
CB Complex Building 1st Auditorium
GSB General Studies Building
PIB Pioneer International Research and Development Building

Time :
1: 08:10 - 09:002: 09:10 - 10:003: 10:10 - 11:004: 11:10 - 12:00N: 12:10 - 13:00
5: 13:10 - 14:006: 14:10 - 15:007: 15:10 - 16:008: 16:10 - 17:009: 17:10 - 18:00
A: 18:30 - 19:20B: 19:20 - 20:10C: 20:20 - 21:10D: 21:10 - 22:00