Course Timetable for Spring Semester Year 2025

RequiredDept. Common Required Credits
RequiredUniversity Common Required Credits
ElectiveCommon Elective Credits
RequiredDept. Major Required Credits
RequiredUniversity Major Required Credits
ElectiveMajor Elective Credits

4EECS1 [電資一]

Four-Year Program Undergraduate Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1

InstructorSun.Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.ClassroomStudent No.WithdrawLanguageSyllabusRemarksPracticeDesignated for
 Class Meeting      3 4            
341791 Physical Education 0.02        3 4    0 0          
341792 English Communication and Application II (ECA Courses) 2.03 Shawn Chang
    7 5 6  1TB_303
0 0   Query
343582 English Communication and Application II (ECA Courses) 2.03 Han-yi Lin
    7 5 6  1TB_303
0 0   Query
341793 Service Learning 0.01 Jeremiah Chien
  6       32 0   Query
341794 Practical Application of Chinese Language 2.02 Liu Ching-Yi
    3 4     32 0   Query
341795 College designated dimension curriculum:Nature and Science 2.02    1 2        0 0          
341431 All-Out Defense Education 1.01 Chen chia chia
  6       10 0   Query
341797 Calculus 3.03 Lin Chien-Chou
   3 4 2     32 0   Query
341798 Physics 3.03 Yang,Heng-long
 3 4  5      33 0 English Query
必修。   Display Micro Courses
Smart Sensor Technology Micro Courses
341799 Physics Lab. 1.03 Yang,Heng-long
   6 7 8    EB_0612
33 0   Query
必修。 Yes  
341800 Linear Algebra 3.03 SHIH-HSUAN YANG
  1 2 2      33 0 English&Chinese Query
必修。   Artificial Intelligence Technology Program
341754 Computer Programming(Ⅱ) 3.03 KUO JONG-YIH
 8 9 8     6TB_327
75 0   Query
資工必修。電機、電子、光電選修。資工程和電資一合開   Software Engineering Program
341805 Microprocessor-Based Systems 3.03 SUN-YEN TAN
 5    7 8    32 0   Query

*represents the courses which are not applicable for online courses for students unable to return to school and/or attend classes. Please inquire from the unit of curriculum if having questions about the course.

Buildings :
CodeBuilding Name
1TB 1st Teaching Building
6TB 6th Teaching Building
EB Everlight Building

Time :
1: 08:10 - 09:002: 09:10 - 10:003: 10:10 - 11:004: 11:10 - 12:00N: 12:10 - 13:00
5: 13:10 - 14:006: 14:10 - 15:007: 15:10 - 16:008: 16:10 - 17:009: 17:10 - 18:00
A: 18:30 - 19:20B: 19:20 - 20:10C: 20:20 - 21:10D: 21:10 - 22:00