Course Timetable for Spring Semester Year 2025

RequiredDept. Common Required Credits
RequiredUniversity Common Required Credits
ElectiveCommon Elective Credits
RequiredDept. Major Required Credits
RequiredUniversity Major Required Credits
ElectiveMajor Elective Credits

4CSIE2 [資工二]

Four-Year Program Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 2

InstructorSun.Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.ClassroomStudent No.WithdrawLanguageSyllabusRemarksPracticeDesignated for
 Class Meeting      3 4            
341219 Physical Education 0.02     6 7       0 0          
341220 College designated dimension curriculum:Nature and Science 2.02    3 4        0 0          
341221 College designated dimension curriculum:Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.02       3 4     0 0          
341222 English for Specific Purposes (ESP Course) 2.02    5 6        0 0          
341223 Microprocessor-Based Systems 3.03 Yen-Lin Chen
 7  3 4    HYTRB_234
62 0   Query
341224 Object-Oriented Programming Labs 2.03 Sun, Chin-Yu
     5 6 7  HYTRB_1223
67 0   Query
341225 Probability 3.03 Chen, Shiang-Jiun
 2 1 2     6TB_327
60 0 English Query
    Artificial Intelligence Technology Program
341231 Introduction to Data Science 3.03 Tun-Wen Pai
   8 9 2   HYTRB_234
40 0   Query
    Artificial Intelligence Technology Program
Optoelectronic Smart Manufacturing Program
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning micro courses
Smart Sensor Technology Micro Courses
Micro Courses on Data Analytics
345132 Introduction to Ethical Hacking 3.03 Chen, Shiang-Jiun
 8 9  2    HYTRB_334
34 0 English Query
341233 Big Data Programming 3.03 Lee-Jyi Wang
    5 6 7   HYTRB_1223
40 0   Query
    Interdisciplinary micro program for big data in education
345134 Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence 3.03 Tung-Ju Hsieh
   7  3 4  HYTRB_234
40 0   Query

*represents the courses which are not applicable for online courses for students unable to return to school and/or attend classes. Please inquire from the unit of curriculum if having questions about the course.

Buildings :
CodeBuilding Name
6TB 6th Teaching Building
HYTRB Hong-Yue Technology Research Building

Time :
1: 08:10 - 09:002: 09:10 - 10:003: 10:10 - 11:004: 11:10 - 12:00N: 12:10 - 13:00
5: 13:10 - 14:006: 14:10 - 15:007: 15:10 - 16:008: 16:10 - 17:009: 17:10 - 18:00
A: 18:30 - 19:20B: 19:20 - 20:10C: 20:20 - 21:10D: 21:10 - 22:00