Course Timetable for Spring Semester Year 2024

RequiredDept. Common Required Credits
RequiredUniversity Common Required Credits
ElectiveCommon Elective Credits
RequiredDept. Major Required Credits
RequiredUniversity Major Required Credits
ElectiveMajor Elective Credits

Core Curriculum (Optional) - Inter-school [博雅選修—跨校]

Four-Year Program General Education Center 4

InstructorSun.Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.ClassroomStudent No.WithdrawLanguageSyllabusRemarksPracticeDesignated for
332561 Globalization and Multi-Culture 2.02        3 4    0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師曾秀珍/社112教室    
332562 The Palace Treasures in the Museum 2.02    3 4        0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師林士鉉/文1F11教室    
332565 Chinese Vernacular Stories in Dynasty of Ming-Chin 2.02      7 8      0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師劉寧慧/文4F09教室    
332567 Cultural Undertaking and Artistic Achievement in Hai-San 2.02       7 8     0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師洪健榮/文2F08教室    
332569 Germany in the Twentieth Century 2.02    3 4        0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師伍碧雯/社201教室    
332571 Taiwan History (from 1861s to Present) 2.02       3 4     0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師查忻/文4F08教室    
332572 Food in Latin America: History and Culture 2.02       7 8     0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師褚縈瑩/文2F12教室    
332574 Chinese Characters: Culture and Daily Life 2.02      8 9      0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師陳淑惠/社203教室    
332577 Globalization and the Twentieth Century 2.02    5 6        0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師張喬婷/社107教室    
332580 History of Sino-American Relations 2.02      5 6      0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師楊凡逸/社102教室    
332583 Visual Art 2.02    3 4        0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師吳國淳/法2F13教室    
332585 French and Taiwan Craft Culture Exploration 2.02        5 6    0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師曾秀珍/社112教室    
332587 Environmental Ethics 2.02    5 6        0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師林炯明/電1F01教室    
332588 Hakka Music and Drama Appreciation 2.02     5 6       0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師林子晴/社203教室    
332589 The Silk Road and Treasures of Xiyu 2.02    3 4        0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師楊果霖/文2F01教室    
332590 Urban Geography and Placemaking 2.02        3 4    0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師蔡怡玟/社203教室    
332592 World Music and Culture 3.03       2 3 4     0 0     北大/人文與藝術/教師林子晴/社203教室    
332595 Modern history of east Asia 2.02    1 2        0 0     北醫/人文與藝術/教師曾齡儀/6204教室    
332596 History of Chinese art 2.02    5 6        0 0     北醫/人文與藝術/教師陳瑞玲/9704教室/A班    
332597 History of Chinese art 2.02     7 8       0 0     北醫/人文與藝術/教師陳瑞玲/6203教室/B班    
332600 Memory of the city 2.02        5 6    0 0     北醫/人文與藝術/教師曾美芳/8004教室/部份遠距    
332602 Discovering Taipei 2.02        3 4    1 0     北醫/人文與藝術/教師謝宗宜、邱佳慧/3001教室    
332604 Design thinking 1.02        1 2    0 0     北醫/人文與藝術/教師邱佳慧、王明旭/9703教室/A班    
332607 Water Color And Sketch 2.02      3 4      0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師謝忠恆/TEC1102教室/A班    
332608 History of Chinese Culture 2.02     1 2       0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師吳蕙芳/BOH401教室/B班    
332609 Fish Culture And Literature 2.02      5 6      0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師謝玉玲/BOH401教室/A班    
332610 Classic Cinema & Cinematic Masters 2.02      5 6      0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師黃駿/MAF623教室/A班    
332611 South and North Korea and Problems of defectors in Films 2.02     5 6       1 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師黃駿/BOH601教室/A班    
332612 Modern and Contemporary Japan-Korea Interactions in Korean Films 2.02      7 8      0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師黃駿/MAF623教室/A班    
332613 Anti-War and Humanity in Japanese Movies 2.02      3 4      0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師黃駿/BOH601教室/A班    
332614 Contemporary meaning in the Analects of Confucius 2.02    1 2        0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師郭寶文/BOH403教室/A班    
332615 Hardink Calligraphy and Aesthetics of Traditional Calligraphy 2.02       1 2     0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師謝忠恆/BOH402教室/A班    
332616 History of Chinese Culture 2.02      5 6      0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師黃麗生/MAF419教室/A班    
332617 Film Interpretation & Cultural Study 2.02     7 8       0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師黃駿/BOH601教室/A班    
332618 The art of basic violin technique and aural application 2.02      7 8      0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師鄭偉杰/BOH302教室/A班    
332619 Digital Sound Music and Film Production 2.02    7 8        0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師鄭偉杰/BOH303教室/A班    
332620 Japanese Culture 2.02      1 2      0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師卞鳳奎/MAF419教室/A班    
332621 Applied computer music writing and arrangement 2.02        7 8    1 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師鄭偉杰/BOH302教室/A班    
332622 History of Chinese Culture 2.02      5 6      0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師吳蕙芳/BOH403教室/C班    
332623 The history and society of the Chinese in Southeast Asia 2.02      7 8      0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師吳俊芳/TEC1102教室/A班    
332624 "Deep Exploration on the Story of "Pilgrimage to the West"" 2.02    5 6        0 0     海大/人文與藝術/教師謝玉玲/BOH402教室/A班    
332563 Reforms, Competitions, and Conflicts in Modern China 2.02    7 8        0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師羅國暉/文2F02教室    
332564 Nazi Regime and Racial Ideology 2.02       5 6     0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師伍碧雯/社201教室    
332566 Mental Health and Self Improvement 2.02    7 8        0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師王冠生/文1F11教室    
332568 Public Finance, Taxation and Citizens 2.02      5 6      0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師鄧軫元/法2F01教室    
332573 Media Practice and Creative Thinking 2.02       5 6     0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師游婷敬/公1F30教室    
332575 Employment Security Policy 2.02      3 4      0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師張朝琴/社113教室    
332576 Designing Your Life 2.02       5 6     0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師王冠生/社203教室    
332578 Introduction to Citizenship and Moral Education 2.02    5 6        0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師黃薏文/社203教室    
332584 Technology and Law 2.02    7 8        0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師葉斯偉/公1F11教室    
332586 Labour Welfare and Shift Workers 2.02      7 8      0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師張朝琴/公1F04教室    
332591 International Relations 2.02        1 2    0 0     北大/社會與法治/教師曾秀珍/社112教室    
332605 Media literacy 2.02      5 6      0 0     北醫/社會與法治/教師曾美芳/6202教室/部份遠距    
332606 Female scientists & career planning 2.02    7 8        0 0     北醫/社會與法治/教師沈芯?/6202教室/部份遠距    
332634 Marine Environment Experience and Film Creation 2.02      1 2      0 0     海大/社會與法治/教師羅力/BOH601教室/A班    
332635 Gender and Society 2.02       3 4     0 0     海大/社會與法治/教師黃駿/MAF623教室/A班    
332636 Civil rights and practice 2.02      5 6      0 0     海大/社會與法治/教師周維萱/BOH402教室/A班    
332637 Quality Man of NTOU 2.02      5 6      0 0     海大/社會與法治/教師孫寶年/BOH103教室/A班    
332638 Introduction Marine Social Science 2.02      5 6      0 0     海大/社會與法治/教師林谷蓉/MAF624教室/B班    
332639 Analysis of Current Social Problems in Taiwan 2.02    1 2        0 0     海大/社會與法治/教師江志宏/BOH402教室/A班    
332640 Communication Competencies- Speaking Voice Training Programs 2.02    7 8        0 0     海大/社會與法治/教師許文宜/BOH403教室/B班    
332641 Communication Competencies- Speaking Voice Training Programs 2.02    5 6        0 0     海大/社會與法治/教師許文宜/BOH403教室/A班    
332642 SDGs and Implementation 2.02      7 8      0 0     海大/社會與法治/教師林詠凱、許瑞?/BOH401教室/A班    
332560 Biodiversity 2.02    3 4        0 0     北大/自然與科學/教師陳湘繁/公1F11教室    
332570 Introduction to Geography 2.02    3 4        0 0     北大/自然與科學/教師蔡怡玟/社102教室    
332579 Biotechnology Industry 2.02    7 8        0 0     北大/自然與科學/教師張喬婷/社107教室    
332582 Introduction to Geography 2.02    1 2        0 0     北大/自然與科學/教師蔡怡玟/社102教室    
332593 Conservation Biology 3.03    5 6 7        0 0     北大/自然與科學/教師陳湘繁/公2F05教室    
332594 Principles and Applications of Ecology 3.03      2 3 4      0 0     北大/自然與科學/教師王之佑/公1F04教室    
332598 Sports & health 2.02            5 0     北醫/自然與科學/教師施聖文/遠距教學    
332599 Interpreting health science information 2.02        3 4    0 0     北醫/自然與科學/教師邱子恒/9703教室    
332601 Basic programming 2.02     A B       5 0     北醫/自然與科學/教師鄭年亨/遠距教學教室/E班    
332625 Physics That Satoru Taught Me 2.02    7 8        0 0     海大/自然與科學/教師王和盛/TECB10教室/A班    
332626 Microorganisms and environmental pollution 2.02       1 2     0 0     海大/自然與科學/教師林芸琪/BOH401教室/A班    
332627 Meteorology and Severe Weather 2.02       3 4     0 0     海大/自然與科學/教師鄭師中/BOH601教室/A班    
332628 Meteorology and Climate Change 2.02       1 2     0 0     海大/自然與科學/教師鄭師中/BOH601教室/A班    
332629 Guiding Technique of Marine Science and Technology(Ⅱ) 2.02     7 8       0 0     海大/自然與科學/教師施彤煒/MAF412教室/A班    
332630 Algae、Ocean and Life 2.02    7 8        0 0     海大/自然與科學/教師張睿昇/MAF413教室/A班    
332631 Contemporary Communication Issues 2.02     5 6       0 0     海大/自然與科學/教師許文宜/MAF413教室/B班    
332632 Climate Change and Technological Innovation 2.02     7 8       0 0     海大/自然與科學/教師曾聖文/BOH402教室/B班    
332633 Global change and marine microbes 2.02      7 8      0 0     海大/自然與科學/教師林芸琪/MAF420教室/B班    
332644 Sustainable Development for the Water and Material Resources 1.01            3 0     慈濟/自然與科學/教師邱奕儒/遠距教學    
332645 Introduction to Sustainable Energy 1.01            0 0     慈濟/自然與科學/教師江允智/遠距教學    
332646 Natural Environment and Sustainable Economy 1.01            2 0     慈濟/自然與科學/邱奕儒、張木林/遠距教學    
332581 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.02      5 6      0 0     北大/創新與創業/教師葉斯偉/公1F11教室    
332603 Introduction to artificial intelligence 2.02       A B     4 1     北醫/創新與創業/教師鄭年亨/遠距教學教室/C班    
332643 Practices for Internet of Things 2.02        3 4    0 0     海大/創新與創業/教師張子仁/BOH402教室/A班    

*represents the courses which are not applicable for online courses for students unable to return to school and/or attend classes. Please inquire from the unit of curriculum if having questions about the course.

Buildings :
CodeBuilding Name

Time :
1: 08:10 - 09:002: 09:10 - 10:003: 10:10 - 11:004: 11:10 - 12:00N: 12:10 - 13:00
5: 13:10 - 14:006: 14:10 - 15:007: 15:10 - 16:008: 16:10 - 17:009: 17:10 - 18:00
A: 18:30 - 19:20B: 19:20 - 20:10C: 20:20 - 21:10D: 21:10 - 22:00