Course Syllabus

Course Information:
Year-SemesterCourse NumberCourse NamePhaseCreditsHoursRequired/Elective InstructorClassStudent NO.WithdrawNote
Spring Semester
Year 2025
340689 Open-Source System Software and Practice 1 3.0 3 Chang, Shih-Hao 4CSIE3 33 0  

Course Plan:

Instructor Chang, Shih-Hao Office Hours
Email Email
Last Updated2024-12-17 09:28:55
Course Objective
Course Schedule
Evaluation and grading policy
Materials All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

Foreign-language textbooks:Yes
The access to curricular consultationEmail:
The course corresponds to the SDGsSDG4:優質教育(Quality Education)
SDG9:產業創新與基礎設施(Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure)
第 13 週 - Linux Kernel Programming
第 14 週 - Linux 期末專題實作
第 15 週 - Linux 期末專題實作
第 16 週 -期末專題報告
第 17 週 Linux 網路、telnet 和 ssh
第 18 週 - Linux Web 服務器和防火牆 - httpd 和 iptables