Course Information:
Year-Semester | Course Number | Course Name | Phase | Credits | Hours | Required/Elective | Instructor | Class | Student NO. | Withdraw | Note |
Spring Semester Year 2024 |
332340 | Entrepreneurship and Patents | 1 | 2.0 | 2 | △ | Hung-San Kuo | Core Curriculum (XIV) | 50 | 18 | 106-108:創新與創業選修。109(含)後:創新與創業 |
Course Plan:
Instructor | Hung-San Kuo Office Hours |
---|---| | |
Last Updated | 2024-05-23 11:15:07 |
Course Objective | |
Course Schedule | |
Evaluation and grading policy | |
Materials | All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Foreign-language textbooks:No |
The access to curricular consultation | office hours面談、或以email、line等方式詢問。 |
The course corresponds to the SDGs | |
Note |
17、18週採google meet:Google Meet 會議參加資訊
視訊通話連結: 若疫情來臨而須線上上課,將以google meet類似軟體上課,相關上課講義或錄影檔,也將上傳於i學園plus。 課程對應SDGs指標:指標十六「和平與正義制度」 指標對應授課內容:單元一「新創事業特點」、與單元二「智財保護」,對應指標十六「和平與正義制度」。 若本課程通過教育部的教學實踐研究計畫申請,將依計畫內容進行,同學將需分組,並填寫相關前、後測(問卷),與期末報告。 |