Course Syllabus

Course Information:
Year-SemesterCourse NumberCourse NamePhaseCreditsHoursRequired/Elective InstructorClassStudent NO.WithdrawNote
Spring Semester
Year 2024
332225 Communication Management 1 2.0 2 Hsueh-Fang Chen Core Curriculum (IV) 90 1 106-108:社會與哲學選修。109(含)後:社會與法治

Course Plan:

Instructor Hsueh-Fang Chen
Email Email
Last Updated2024-04-25 11:33:58
Course Objective
Course Schedule
Evaluation and grading policy
Materials All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

Foreign-language textbooks:No
The access to curricular consultation** 同學若有課程問題請,信件標題[溝通管理]_班級(或隨班附讀)_姓名。
** 課程資料公布於「北科i學園+」。
**本學期第17週(06/10)為端午節放假一日;第18週因應學校三教整修工程,於原定上課時間以Google Meeting 遠距上課,連結網址:
The course corresponds to the SDGs