Course Syllabus

Course Information:
Year-SemesterCourse NumberCourse NamePhaseCreditsHoursRequired/Elective InstructorClassStudent NO.WithdrawNote
Spring Semester
Year 2024
331032 Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1 3.0 3 Ardila Hayu Tiwikrama GCEB
72 2 網路預選限60人;核心七選二;化工所EOMP合

Course Plan:

Instructor Ardila Hayu Tiwikrama Office Hours
Email Email
Last Updated2024-05-27 18:28:52
Course Objective
Course Schedule
Evaluation and grading policy
Materials All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

Foreign-language textbooks:Yes
The access to curricular consultationoffline and online consultation.

Regarding the renovation of teaching building:
Week 17th and Week 18th will be conducted by online teaching. The Google Meet link will be informed in the Line group.
The course corresponds to the SDGs
Students can ask any time through the i-Plus system or offline discussions at Chemical Engineering-411. This course will use English.

*Online course will be offered using Google Meet an the link will be informed via Line group.