Course Syllabus

Course Information:
Year-SemesterCourse NumberCourse NamePhaseCreditsHoursRequired/Elective InstructorClassStudent NO.WithdrawNote
Spring Semester
Year 2024
328964 Machine Learning 1 3.0 3 SHINGCHERN YOU GCSIE
17 0 電資外、資工四和資工所合開

Course Plan:

Instructor SHINGCHERN YOU Office Hours
Email Email
Last Updated2024-05-15 14:57:53
Course Objective
Course Schedule
Evaluation and grading policy
Materials All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

Foreign-language textbooks:No
The access to curricular consultationOffice: Tech building 1533
The course corresponds to the SDGs
In case online lecturing is required by CDC, we will use the Microsoft Teams as the lecturing platform. E-mail me if you have any problems:

4/2 & 4/8 class meetings will be held as usual.

Lectures on Week 17 & 18 will be held on Microsoft Teams.