Course Syllabus

Course Information:
Year-SemesterCourse NumberCourse NamePhaseCreditsHoursRequired/Elective InstructorClassStudent NO.WithdrawNote
Spring Semester
Year 2024
326900 Electronics (III) 1 3.0 3 LUNG-CHIEN CHEN 4EOE3 39 1 C類,畢業前至少修習1門

Course Plan:

Instructor LUNG-CHIEN CHEN Office Hours
Email Email
Last Updated2024-05-16 13:01:25
Course Objective
Course Schedule
Evaluation and grading policy
Materials All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

Foreign-language textbooks:Yes
The access to curricular consultationoffice hour or after class discussion
The course corresponds to the SDGs
1. 若因應COVID-19需採遠距教學時,本課程採行google meet視訊授課,網址另行公布
2. 若有任何問題, 可email至:
3. 線上上課: