Course Information:
Year-Semester | Course Number | Course Name | Phase | Credits | Hours | Required/Elective | Instructor | Class | Student NO. | Withdraw | Note |
Spring Semester Year 2023 |
316243 | Technical English Writing | 1 | 2.0 | 3 | ▲ | HSUAN-LIANG LIU | GCEB | 11 | 0 | 博士班必修 |
Course Plan:
Instructor | HSUAN-LIANG LIU Office Hours |
---|---| | |
Last Updated | 2022-12-21 13:33:49 |
Course Objective | |
Course Schedule | |
Evaluation and grading policy | |
Materials | All right reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Foreign-language textbooks:No |
The access to curricular consultation | Office Hours |
The course corresponds to the SDGs | |
Note |
因應疫情警戒標準,本學期教學及授課方式請依照學校網頁所公布之訊息為準:若疫情升級學生無法到校實體上課, 將進行遠距教學, 課務訊息將透過google classroom通知