| 1. 熱傳導定律之推導
2. 一維及多維的穩態與暫態熱傳分析,
3. 散熱片之設計,利用數值方法解熱傳導問題,
4. 對流原理之推導
5. 強迫對流方面的分析及應用-層流邊界層,管道內層流熱傳
6. 自然對流方面的分析及應用-管道外與封閉空間內自然對流 熱傳
7. 紊流的基本性,紊流邊界層,管道內紊流
8. 具相變化的熱對流:凝結與沸騰
9. 熱交換器設計介紹
Advanced Heat Transfer Credit: 3
Course Outline
1. Derivation of heat conduction principles
2. One and multi-dimentional steady and transient heat conduction analysis
3. Heat transfer from extended surfaces, numerical heat conduction analysis
4. Derivation of convection principles
5. Forced convection - laminar boundary layers and laminar heat transfer in ducts
6. Nature convection over external surfaces and in internal enclosures
7. Fundamentals of turbulence, turbulent boundary layers, turbulent flow in ducts
8. Heat transfer with phase change: boiling and condensation
9. Introduction to heat-exchanger design