Course Description

Course CodeCourse NameCreditsHours
3908500 Seminar on Modernity and Architecture Masterpiece 3.0 3
Description The term “Modernity” originated from the unique European history, culture, and societal condition, bloomed with the development of industrialization, rationalization and democratization. That have inspired human to liberate from mythology, authority and centrality, and get rid of the constraints of traditional society. With the antithesis and critical concepts of modernity, Europe has carried out an amazing progress of material and human consciousness almost throughout the twentieth century. How does architecture as a profession closely related to the entire society, economy, politics, and aesthetic approach, in the process of production implemented itself as a critique of modernity? In the beginning of the class, it would be most important to identify the concepts of Modernity. The discourses of Adolf Loos, Sigfried Giedion, Walter Benjamin, Ernst Bloch, and the Venetian School help to clarify the vague and difficult concepts of modernity. Through the exploration of art and arc