| Understand the basic structure of programming languages. C language is used for the practice. The course includes: 1. Introduction to programming languages: introduce various programming languages as well as their properties and discuss the history, the structure and advantages of C language. 2. Data types: introduce the data types and operators of C language. 3. Basic Input and Output: introduce various input and output functions and work on their practices. 4. Processes Control: introduce assignments, select statements and loop statements and work on their practices. 5. Preprocess: introduce the concept of the preprocess and work on the programming practice. 6. Functions: introduce the main program and subroutines. 7. Array and strings: introduce the properties of various arrays as well as the relations between strings and arrays and work on their practices. 8. Structure data types: introduce structure data types and work on the practices. 9. Pointers: introduce the concept of pointe