| Geology is a study of the planet Earth. It is concered with the origin of the planet, the material and morphology of
the Earth, and its history and present forms. Contents
include : science and the world we live in, a view of the earth, the dynamic earth, materials of the earth's crust
(atom and minerals), igneous rocks (volcanic and plutonic),
sedimentary rocks, pages of earth history, tectonic features (folds and faults), life as a fuel maker (coal and
oil), salt domes, metamorphism and metamorphic rocks,
igneous intrusions, volcanoes and their products, dating
and pages of earth history, rock weathering and soils, surface erosion and landscape slopes, the work of rivers, development of river systems and associated landscapes,
underground water, glaciers and glaciation, ice ages and
climate change, wind action and desert landscapes, coastal scenery and the work of the sea, marine sediments and the
ocean floor, earthquakes etc..