List of Credits for Graduation

Academic Year 2022, Ph.D. Program, International Graduate Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Course IDCourse NameCreditsHoursLevelNote
1 1 6607002 Technical English Writing 3.0 3    
1 1 6607004 Mechanical & Electric Technology Seminar 1.0 2 1 / 4  
1 1 6607005 Special Topics on Mechanical & Electric engineering (一) 3.0 3    
1 2 6607003 Technical English Presentation 3.0 3    
1 2 6607004 Mechanical & Electric Technology Seminar 1.0 2 2 / 4  
1 2 6607006 Special Topics on Mechanical & Electric engineering (二) 3.0 3    
1 2 6607008 Internship of practical technology research and development 1.0 40    
2 1 6607001 Doctoral Dissertation 3.0 3 1 / 4  
2 1 6607004 Mechanical & Electric Technology Seminar 1.0 2 3 / 4  
2 2 6607001 Doctoral Dissertation 3.0 3 2 / 4  
2 2 6607004 Mechanical & Electric Technology Seminar 1.0 2 4 / 4  
3 1 6607001 Doctoral Dissertation 3.0 3 3 / 4  
3 2 6607001 Doctoral Dissertation 3.0 3 4 / 4  

Note :
1.Minimum graduation credits: 40 credits
2.The doctoral program is divided into three groups, the mechatronics, vehicle, and automation. The Mechatronics group courses are offered in the Institute of Mechatronic Engineering. The vehicle group courses are offered in the Department of Vehicle Engineering. The automation group courses are offered in the Institute of Automation Technology
3.Compulsory credits: 22 including the Doctoral Dissertation 12 credits (3 or 6 credits per semester). Mechanical & Electric Technology Seminar 4 credits (1 credit each semester, divided into four semesters). Technical English Writing (3 credits) and Technical English Presentation (3 credits).
4.Elective Courses: at least 18 credits; Courses curriculum offered in NTUT or in other schools and other departments can be up to nine credits after consent by the supervising professor.
5.After passing the qualifying exam, students may start to take the Doctoral Dissertation credit.
6.Students with the certificate of GEPT High-Intermediate Preliminary level or TOEFL score of above 550 or CBT above 210 or IBT reached 77 points or TOEIC above 650, could waive the courses of Technical English Writing Technical English Presentation.
7.This curriculum is applicable to first year PhD student in academic year of 2022.