課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
C235010 雲端應用與大數據實務 Cloud Computing Applications and Big Data Practices 3.0 3
Chinese Description
雲端運算是指透過網際網路進行擴充、消費或提供IT服務,顧客可隨時取用網路資源、軟體或資料之新模式。雲端運算不是一項全新技術,而是一項應用與服務創新的概念,「簡單的說,就是把所有的軟體或資料全部丟到網際網路上處理(Services on the Internet)」。雲端運算被視為新IT時代中最有影響力的整合技術之一,而大數據分析是它主要的應用,它亦是近年來資通訊(ICT)產業重要的趨勢與創新應用,是新一代的網際網路與資料中心(Data Center)。本課程主要內容包含雲端運算基本概念、雲端運算之服務與管理策略、以及雲端應用服務與個案實例。隨著雲端運算服務的廣為使用及網際網路服務的發展,已產生大量的數據,如何處理與儲存大數據、如何從大數據中,探勘有用的知識,成為近年來熱門的研究議題。本課程內容尚包括如何處理與儲存大數據以及選擇有關大數據分析之應用服務與實例個案於課堂上簡報與研討。
English Description
Cloud computing is not a new technology, but the concept of application and service innovation. In short, cloud computing is regarded as one of the new IT era's most influential technology integration. Big data analysis is its main application. The key trends and innovative applications, as well as the internet and a new generation of data centers (data center) will be discussed. The main contents of this course include the basic concepts of cloud computing, applications and case examples of cloud computing services and management strategy, big data applications etc. With the widespread use of cloud computing services and the development of Internet services, huge amount of data has been generated. How to deal with the huge amount of data has become a hot research issue. This course will also include how to handle and store huge amount of data and how to carry out further exploration from big data. Big data case studies and practices will also be conducted in the class.


  1. 本資料係由本校各教學單位、教務處課務組、進修部教務組、進修學院教務組及計網中心所共同提供!
  2. 若您對課程有任何問題,請洽各開課系所。