課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
AB03905 用Python來做投資組合的建構與分 Introduction to Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python 1.0 1
Chinese Description
備註:e (e為線上課程代碼) 本課程的目標在於將機器學習的技巧應用在資產管理的議題上,並藉由機器學習的演算法來改善決策品質。本課程首先介紹基礎投資理論與實際應用,接著利用Python 語言來執行各種機器學習的演算法,來實作以基礎理論作為延伸的新投資決策。 此課程為線上課程,開課平台為coursera,網址: https://www.coursera.org/learn/introduction-portfolio-construction-python?specialization=investment-management-python-machine-learning
English Description
The practice of investment management has been transformed in recent years by computational methods. This course provides an introduction to the underlying science, with the aim of giving you a thorough understanding of that scientific basis. However, instead of merely explaining the science, we help you build on that foundation in a practical manner, with an emphasis on the hands-on implementation of those ideas in the Python programming language. This course is the first in a four course specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning in Asset Management but can be taken independently. In this course, we cover the basics of Investment Science, and we'll build practical implementations of each of the concepts along the way. We'll start with the very basics of risk and return and quickly progress to cover a range of topics including several Nobel Prize winning concepts. We'll cover some of the most popular practical techniques in modern, state of the art investment management and p


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  2. 若您對課程有任何問題,請洽各開課系所。