課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
7925157 煤能源與二氧化碳封存特論 Special topics on coal energy and CO2 storage 1.0 1
Chinese Description
本課程探討工業化以來廣為應用的煤能源議題,包括煤能源的爭議、煤礦的開採與安全,中國煤礦工業現況與美國煤礦安全措施的演進、岩石力學在煤礦開採的應用與地盤控制,以及長壁法對地表-地下水與地盤-地下水系統的影響與地下開挖地質測繪系統;繼而針對煤能源最受爭議的二氧化碳排放議題探討封存相關技術。 This course focuses on the most popular energy since the industrial revolution, the coal. Following topics will be introduced and discussed. The coal energy crisis, the mining methods and mine safety, state of the art of Chinese coal industry and the overview of the recent coal mine disasters in the United States, research needs in ground control/rock mechanics, impact of long mining on surface-and ground-water system, a geology mapping system. The CO2 storage issues will be also introduced and addressed.
English Description
This course focuses on the most popular energy since the industrial revolution, the coal. Following topics will be introduced and discussed. The coal energy crisis, the mining methods and mine safety, state of the art of Chinese coal industry and the overview of the recent coal mine disasters in the United States, research needs in ground control/rock mechanics, impact of long mining on surface-and ground-water system, a geology mapping system. The CO2 storage issues will be also introduced and addressed.


  1. 本資料係由本校各教學單位、教務處課務組、進修部教務組、進修學院教務組及計網中心所共同提供!
  2. 若您對課程有任何問題,請洽各開課系所。