課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
5425600 科學文本與修辭分析 Rhetoric of Science 3.0 3
Chinese Description
現代性展開之後,自然科學就不斷在為我們定義什麼才能算是解釋真實現象的知識,什麼不是。我們認為科學家所處理的是確定、不變的對象。他們不需依賴修辭,而是要讓事實說話。然而,在建構假設的時候,科學家所使用的準則並不等同事實-理論物理學家Paul Dirac 說過一句非常著名的話,他說他最基本的信念就是,用來表示自然法則的數學方程式是很美的。更重要的是,不僅科學家本身在決定如何表現他們的研究發現,其他想要瞭解自然科學的人,主要是受到他們自己文化中所通用的隱喻和修辭的影響──也就是受到科學的修辭,而不是受到科學本身的影響。 本課程將閱讀一些思想家的作品(包括Adorno and Horkheimer, Bacon, Heidegger, Kuhn, Latour, Popper),他們所探討的是,造成科學知識之所以獨特,以及/或者形塑現代人對科學的態度的因素為何? 其次,我們將分析科學如何在當代熱門的論辯-有關全球暖化、基因工程、人工智慧等,被呈現出來。我們同時也會檢視通俗科學和科幻小說在形塑一般大眾對這些現象的理解時,扮演了什麼角色。
English Description
Since the beginning of modernity, the natural sciences have increasingly come to define for us what can and what cannot count as knowledge of the real. Scientists, we believe, deal with that which is hard and fast. They do not have to rely on mere rhetoric, but can let the facts speak for themselves. Yet in constructing their hypotheses, scientists, too, rely on criteria that are irreducible to facts - thus the theoretical physicist Paul Dirac famously proclaimed as his most fundamental belief that the mathematical equations expressing nature's laws would be beautiful. More importantly, it is not only the scientists themselves who decide what is to be done with their discoveries, but other people whose understanding of and expectations towards the natural sciences are primarily shaped by the metaphors and narratives that circulate in their culture - shaped, i.e., by the rhetoric of science, rather than by science itself. In this course, we will read the work of thinkers who have tried


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