課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
3903011 建築設計(二) Architectural Design (II) 3.0 6
Chinese Description
This course is organized, as a three-year's program that is arranged around a pattern of six semesters. The modular teaching structure is:1. First year - An introduction to basic design problem solving : concepts of point, line, plane, and space organization : principles of unity/variety ,order ,balance , proportion ,scale , etc.; orthographic projection and axonometrics ; pattern diagramming ; and basic design consequences of human activity. Studio introduction to architectural design problem solving; concepts of architectural aesthetic principles; value drawing techniques; model building; anthropometries ; and human gathering and circulation patterns. Investigations of visual structures and their order , and exercises to develop ability to communicate about form and space. Explorations of two-dimensional and three-dimensional design through manipulation of the design elements in association with the design principles. Emphasis on materials , techniques , and color shape.
English Description
This course is organized, as a three-year's program that is arranged around a pattern of six semesters. The modular teaching structure is:1. First year - An introduction to basic design problem solving : concepts of point, line, plane, and space organization : principles of unity/variety ,order ,balance , proportion ,scale , etc.; orthographic projection and axonometrics ; pattern diagramming ; and basic design consequences of human activity. Studio introduction to architectural design problem solving; concepts of architectural aesthetic principles; value drawing techniques; model building; anthropometries ; and human gathering and circulation patterns. Investigations of visual structures and their order , and exercises to develop ability to communicate about form and space. Explorations of two-dimensional and three-dimensional design through manipulation of the design elements in association with the design principles. Emphasis on materials , techniques , and color shape.


  1. 本資料係由本校各教學單位、教務處課務組、進修部教務組、進修學院教務組及計網中心所共同提供!
  2. 若您對課程有任何問題,請洽各開課系所。