課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
1410188 中國文物介紹 An Introduction to Chinese Cultural and Historical Relics 2.0 2
Chinese Description
我國數千年之歷史文明,流傳下無數具有歷史、藝術及科學價值的文物,宮廷民間的收藏、考古文物的出土,即是明證。因此本課程旨在讓現代人認識、珍惜這項人類共有之文化遺產。課程採取數位教師合開方式,內容有:一、 陶瓷器:介紹陶瓷器之製作、顏色、紋飾、造型。二、 玉器:介紹玉器之玉材、雕工、沁色、形制、紋飾、用途。三、 青銅器:介紹青銅器之製作、類別、紋飾、銘文、禮器文化意涵。 四、 考古文物:介紹當代重大考古發現,呈現一代一地出土文物之全貌。
English Description
With thousands of years of history, an immense supply of historical and cultural relics, which are bestowed with historical, artistic and scientific significance, have been passed down to us. These relics are found in emperors' palaces, in private houses or by way of archeological discovery. The course is designed to help modern people understand and cherish the cultural heritage, which is supposed to be shared by all the human beings. The course is jointly directed by more than a few instructors. Some of the topics include:1. Ceramics: How are ceramics wares made? What do the colors, decorations and appearance mean?2. Jade: What are the original materials to make jade wares? How are jade wares carved? What do the colors, decorations, forms mean? To what purpose are the jade wares made?3. Bronze Wares: How are the bronze wares made? What categories are there in the bronze wares? What do the carvings and engravings in the service utilities mean?4. Archaic Relics.


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  2. 若您對課程有任何問題,請洽各開課系所。